Thursday, December 3, 2009


Christmas this year will prove to be much more work than last year! Last year, Bentley had various Christmas celebrations but she was only about 6 months old so she didn't really know what was going on! This year she loves the Hallmark decorations I have because they sing and dance when she pushes the button. One of her favorite things to do is dance, and so she loves to dance with the characters on these things. She also loves presents. She helps me wrap the presents, but she draws on them when I'm writing who they are for and from. This year many presents will have drawings courtesy of Bentley's help! She also loves the Christmas ornaments and the tree. She is absolutely enchanted by them! She has unwrapped some presents (that weren't hers!), pulled off ornaments to get a better look, and tried to get so close to look at the lights on the tree that it poked her in the eye! It is definitely a joy to watch her take in all of the pieces of our Christmas tradition.

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